SCHOOL FEES Dear CKS Families! We will NOT be taking school fees this year. Because we were not able to do our field trips last school year, we will apply last years fees to this years field trips (if possible). KINDERGARTEN families will owe $5 for their child's agenda book.
CKS SAFE SCHOOL PLAN 2020-2021 Good afternoon CKS Families! We are so excited to welcome our students back next week. Attached is a document that addresses some of the key elements of how our school will operate. Hopefully it will answer some of the many questions we know you have. Please know that so much of what makes CKS so special will remain the same! Reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns!!
2020-2021 CKS SUPPLY LISTS **A new updated yearly calendar will be coming soon** Attached are the supply lists for the upcoming school year! A portion of the yearly student fees families pay each year go towards a field trip. Because of the disruption to our school year, field trips were unable to happen. We will be adjusting fees for the fall to take this into account. Please don't pay the full amount indicated on the supply list. We will contact all families in the fall to let you know what you owe!
Year End Slide Show Here is our annual year end slide show! Be sure to watch for the announcement of this years 3C winners. Have a great summer everyone! Mrs. B.
Diversity & Inclusion Poster Contest Christ the King School Grade 3-4 and Grade 5-6-7 students participated in the Diversity & Inclusion Poster Contest in celebration of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination!
Tri-Conference Interviews It's time to book your tri-conference interview, they will be held Monday, March 23rd AND Wednesday, March 25th from 4:30pm to 7:30pm both days. The attached booking sheet was sent home with the youngest student in each family today. If your child doesn't bring one home, feel free to print the attached sheet or contact Mrs. Bateman.
Development and Peace Christ the King School will again join with the Christ the King Parish is supporting the Development and Peace organization.
Have you gained access to Fresh Grade AND PowerSchool Parents have to create separate accounts for Fresh Grade and PowerSchool. If you've forgotten passwords or are having any trouble, give Mrs. Bateman a call or email!